Lastly I tried to model it on Revit Architecture,a BIM product developed by Autodesk, which was in a bit more useful model making techniques than modeling itself in an Ecotect software because if transferred the file in a. dwg but all of this meant for no use to Ecotect.Thereafter I thought to cull the model by discarding the layers etc but the geometry imported here on the Ecotect canvas was far way too difficult.It actually divides the cylindrical object into a triangular planes which eventually made the model a bit heavy and was very difficult to analyse, I mean it took hell lot of time to go for 1% of its any analysis. 3ds file format than to other model formats like.

Importing the model that is an amphitheater in my case from a whole building was quite a difficult task.I tried to import in. Sound Analysis of an amphitheater project was given to me during my Internship period by BIM Studio Department at United Design Group (UDG), Shanghai.This project was jointly governed by UDG shanghai and BDP groups.During this task I was asked to analyse the acoustical interior features (mainly False Ceiling ) by using Autodesk Ecotect.My objective of the Analysis was to ensure the Noise Reduction Coefficient(NRC value) of the ceiling for a good quality of the sound